Managing a Chronic Illness: 5 Tips That Actually Work

a woman sitting on a bench

Managing a chronic illness can be frightening, to say the least. Between navigating health insurance to attempting to understand each medical expense, chronic illnesses can take a toll on anyone.

Whether you’re looking for new health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or you’re testing alternatives to tobacco cigarettes like a CBD cigarette, there are ways to manage a chronic illness that can help you feel more in control. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

1. Focus on relaxation.

One of the hardest parts of a chronic illness is finding time to relax. That’s where products like CBD come in. CBD (cannabidiol) is enjoyed by people around the world. It’s great because it doesn’t contain any THC. THC is the compound that causes psychoactive effects. Smokers, in particular, can benefit from CBD too over regular cigarettes. Hemp cigarettes or a CBD cigarette are growing in popularity. You can even get a number of cigarettes from different CBD flowers and hemp flowers. Some of the best CBD cigarettes are known to promote relaxation in a similar manner as nicotine. Whether you purchase by the carton or just get an individual pack, CBD has plenty of potential relaxing benefits.

2. Find health care alternatives.

If your deductible is too high or you’re struggling with medical bills, you’re not alone. The United States isn’t known for the best individual mandate and patient protection when it comes to insurance companies. Plus, certain deductibles can cut into your annual household portion for health insurance. If it’s your first time looking for an alternative, you’ve probably considered Medi-share. However, ministry-based Medi programs aren’t always the best fit and don’t have as many potential exemptions. Often, a great alternative to Medi share providers is the best option. The insurance regulation allows for lower deductibles and smaller monthly premiums and monthly share costs. You may even be able to get out of your provider fee with certain Medi-share alternatives.

3. Build a strong support network.

After navigating your monthly share and monthly premiums as well as research CBD joints and hemp products, you’re probably feeling a bit of strain. That’s why it’s important to have family members and friends by your side through this process. Otherwise, the strain can be overwhelming. Whether it’s a loved one bringing over a CBD care package or a friend helping you review Medi-share guidelines and your insurance privacy policy, it’s important to have people who can help with logistics. Plus, you’ll likely spend plenty of time on the phone with various health care customer service departments so it’s good to have a support network.

4. Don’t forget about self-care.

Between doctor visits, dentist appointments, and medical care followups, you probably feel the strain of not having enough time to yourself. In the U.S., self-care isn’t always prioritized. However, when you’re juggling traditional insurance and how much money you have in the bank for care, you need the time to unwind and do something nice for yourself. Whether that’s drawing a bubble bath and sparking a CBD joint or curling up on the couch to watch TV, self-care is always a great option.

5. Stay on top of your medications.

Medications, especially for a pre-existing condition, can be a hassle. When you’re dealing with a medical event like chronic pain or inflammation, it’s important to set a schedule and stick to it. Medication doesn’t often fall under eligible medical bills for various plans which can make it feel cumbersome. However, it’s a key component to your wellness.

Whether you’re researching FDA information on CBD oil and electronic cigarettes or you’re trying to negotiate a lower premium from your network providers, there are things you can do to better impact your prognosis. Chronic illness doesn’t have to hold you back, no matter its potency.