How To Maximize Your Comfort Postpartum

a man holding a baby

With all the excitement of a new baby on the way, many mothers make the mistake of forgetting to plan for the postpartum period. It’s easy to get excited about what you’re new baby will wear, but what about you? If you’re a new mom, and especially a first-time mother, it’s a good idea to take some time during your pregnancy to think about ways you’ll care for yourself after the baby comes. The reality is that the happier and more comfortable you are, the more energy you’ll have for that bundle of joy. For a few ways to maximize your postpartum comfort and get through those first few months after pregnancy as you adjust to changes, read on.

Plan to dress for comfort.


One of the most obvious ways to maximize your comfort after having a baby is to think about the clothing you’ll wear. For some women, wearing maternity clothing well into the first few postpartum months is a great way to adapt to a new and fluctuating body shape. Other women have great luck with undergarments that will give them more room but keep up with their physical changes. An item as simple as womens boxers can make a huge difference in a woman’s physical comfort after having a baby.

The reality is that it’s easy to forget about yourself and your own needs when your baby comes. By investing in products you’ll need for yourself in the postpartum months now, you’ll be glad you did later. When considering what clothing items you’ll need, decide whether or not you’ll be nursing and add a fantastic maternity bralette to your list. The right nursing bra, breast shields, and pumps will make adjusting to nursing easier for both you and your baby.

Take it slow and day by day.


Many new moms make the mistake of thinking introducing a baby to the family will be easy. The truth is that there will be days that get so busy or you’ll be so tired from staying up with your infant that daily tasks, including hygiene, will get neglected. When considering your comfort post-baby, don’t forget to think about your mental health. Understanding that adjusting to a new routine, especially if you’re dealing with postpartum depression, can be difficult, and it’s okay to reach out for help.

Make a list of people you know and trust. A mother, a sister, your partner, or a close friend could all be great people to step in on hard days. You’ll be more comfortable asking someone you know to take care of your baby if you’ve had this conversation ahead of time. Do what you can to go into the end of your pregnancy knowing it’s okay to take breaks and work at your and the baby’s pace. You and your baby have a lifetime of bonding ahead of you, and things don’t have to be pretty to work out.

Make room for self-care.


The key to keeping your stress low after bringing home your baby is to remember that you matter, too. Many well-intentioned moms make the mistake of focusing only on their baby and forget about engaging with friends, hobbies, interests, and even work obligations that once meant everything. Doing this will be something you regret, and making a plan now for ways you’ll take care of your authentic self is important.

In the end, doing what you can now to plan for comfort in the postpartum months is a great way to improve your quality of life after the baby comes. Not only will you be more comfortable and feel better about yourself, but taking care of your own needs now means you’ll have more time to focus on your baby, too.